Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Story of Link.

 My little Link's story is a bit less dramatic in the begging than his older brother Asher's was but he did have his own little trials too. It all started when Noah and I were thinking about having another baby. We kept saying we wanted them to be about 2 years apart, but as time went on we got thinking. It took us quite awhile to get pregnant with Asher so we decided that instead of waiting we would get a head start on trying, you know just in case it took longer than we wanted. Well haha joke was on us we got lucky and got pregnant on the first month of trying. So instead of being 2 years or more apart they are 16 months.
 We knew the moment we got pregnant that we would be doing a scheduled C-Section since Asher was also a C-Section and since it's safer that way. So the pregnancy began much like my pregnancy with Asher. The constant visit's to my worst enemy the toilet and the constant taking of my best friend Zofran. I must say though that since we knew what to expect with my pregnancies my doctor was all too willing to call me in my Rx. the second we confirmed the pregnancy. Oh how I love and will miss my wonderful Dr. Walker! Anyways, so Link was better on my body than Asher since I was prepared for the worst. 
 When my 9 months was up I decided to have the wonderful noon time delivery. I know I know your thinking "You decided!" Well, YES I did! I'm not a morning person and the other option was 7, and might I add you have to be there 2 hours early. So YES noon was the time for me. Well, noon came and went and Dr. Walker was MIA. I must say I was not surprised since he was one of the busiest OB docs in Monterey. Now I have to insert that it was incredibly odd to be able to walk into the hospital on my own two feet and say to the nurse at the counter "Yes um... I'd like to check in to have my baby please!" But hey I gotta admit I felt about 1000% better than the first time. I even had the time to do my hair and makeup! No ugly post op photos for me thanks, been there done that!
 Anyways, so Noah and I had the pleasure of asking as many questions to the operating staff as we wanted and joking along with them until they got the call the the doc. was on his way. This is when they gave me my spinal block. Now I don't care what anyone says that is SCARY. I mean it's a guy sticking a needle into your spinal cord! One little oops and it's bye bye feeling in my legs, it was fun while it lasted! But I was blessed with the same anesthesiologist as I was with Asher and I even said "OH I'm SOOO glad to see YOU!" To which he answered "Oh ugh yeah? You know me?" So much for being memorable! Anyways, Dr. Walker got there and said "Alright well what are we waiting for? Let's get you your baby!" To which the whole room laughed and of course answered "You! We're waiting for YOU!" 
 So at 1:16 pm on June 7th my second little angel Noah Linkin was born. Following in his brother's shoes he was 20 1/2 inches long but then to get a jump start came in weighing 8.1 lbs. Exactly 1 lb. more than Asher. At this point in the surgery it started to get scary. See with scheduled C-Sections they break your water for you when they cut you open. This in turn can sometimes cause the infant to intake some amniotic fluid. Well Link was none to happy to be coming out sooner than he planned and ended up taking in quite a bit of fluids. My poor little one then had to have his lungs suctioned right after being born. What a harsh way to enter this world. However, I must say I was extremely grateful to the wonderful pediatric staff and the great job they did stabilizing my little guy. Also at this point in the surgery I began to feel an incredible pain in my chest. I must say I thought I was honestly having a heart attack right there on the surgery table. But my wonderful anesthesiologist was right by my side (they hover right by your head and talk to you the whole time) and kept giving me more drugs. Unfortunately it was to no avail and the pain was so intense my heart rate went crazy (so I'm told) and he immediately knocked me out.
 Now this was weird! I came to in recovery thinking "What the?" Last I knew I was incredible pain and the Dr. said "Don't worry this will make it better!" I must say, I have always wanted to know what it was like to be knocked out or pass out or faint for some reason because I never had. Well now I know, it's AWESOME! Except for the fact that the meds. they used to knock me out also made me really sick and I was throwing up for hours after that. Ha have you ever thought what it would be like to throw up immediately after your abs have been sliced through? Yeah, not easy! It basically just falls out, gross I know but just had to give you all a wonderful visual! 
 By this point my doctors came in to let me know all was going well and that Link was in the nursery on oxygen to help out with his breathing for awhile. He was in the oxygen helmet for a couple hours and then stayed for observation for another couple before they would bring him to me. Needless to say I was worried sick but was in no condition to go see him. However my worries were put to rest and he was brought to my room later that evening. 
 I forgot to add early in this post that my mom and Celene were both able to make it to this birth and it was so wonderful having them both there.

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a story, Larkie had to be knocked out before her surgery, how crazy for y'all!
    I love that y'all call him, Link. How cute!
